Glaucoma is a chronic high intraocular pressure that affects the optic nerve and leads to its gradual loss. Glaucoma treatment is mainly focused on rebalancing intraocular pressure to stop damage to the optic nerve.

Medications (drops), lasers, surgery or some or all of the above can be used to reach the desired result.

Anatomically, the secretion of ocular fluid is responsible for the ciliary body behind the iris of the eye. This fluid flows through the pupil to exit the eye through the corner of the eye surrounding the cornea – as in the subsequent image.

Laser treatment for glaucoma are many

1- Laser to widen the Angle of the eye:

  • As already explained, the angle of the eye is the tissue responsible for the exit of the ophthalmic fluid from the inside to the outside of the eye. What often happens in glaucoma is the poor exit of this fluid and therefore high intraocular pressure.
    The laser widens the spaces in the corner of the eye and thus contributes to a decrease in intraocular pressure.
  • There are many laser techniques to treat high intraocular pressure, such as: argon  laser (ALT), selective laser (SLT) , or micropulse laser, all of which are done in the outpatient laser unit.

2- Laser to reduce the secretion of aquous fluid:

  • Diode laser is used to cauterize the ciliary body and reduce the formation of eye fluid directly in the operating ward under local anesthesia, especially if glaucoma has reached its late stages and caused vision loss with persistent headaches.
  • Micropulse lasers can also be used to reduce intraocular pressure in sighted eyes with the same principle.

3- Laser for the treatment of acute cases of high intraocular pressure:

  • Closure of the narrow corner of the eye occurs suddenly and leads to a sudden rise in intraocular pressure…. Nd-YAG laser is the primary treatment to reverse this sudden condition and ensure the continuity of the eye fluid pathway.

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Prof. Dr. Hesham Gharieb

Prof. Dr. Hesham Gharieb

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